Wednesday, October 8, 2008



(also known as the Hunter's Moon, the Sorting Moon, the Culling Moon, and the Sanguine Moon)

This moon begins anytime between 9/27-10/27 and ends anytime between 10/27-11/26. It is the first full moon after the full moon nearest to the Autumnal Equinox.
All full moons rise around the time of sunset. The Harvest and Hunter's moons are special because this time is shorter than usual,  providing extended light for hunters and farmers to work in the fields.

This is the time of year when we are noticing that the abundance and warmth of the summer is ending. We start to feel the cold and notice an uneasiness or restlessness in ourselves as the season shifts and the days are shorter.

For people living close to the land this is a time of the Third Harvest; a time to slaughter and salt down animals grown plump from the abundance of summer grazing.  This harvest time gives the moon it's name, not from blood sacrifices but from the old custom of culling the herds keeping only choices stock, ensuring that  there will be  enough feed and shelter to survive  the cold season. 

People are also culling  their stores of food, setting aside damaged and withered fruit to eat immediately; preserving the remaining supplies  is almost complete.  Animal predators are also culling out the weak and unwary. Plants die back.

This is also a comfortable time of year, final provisions for households are stowed away and the deepest winter is yet to come.  Those who farm the land have more opportunities to sit and reflect on the past year's harvest, evaluating what went well and what they will do differently next year.

There are other lessons for those of us who are not farmers.  The Wisdom of the Blood Moon comes from the process of reflection on our own past year, the choices we have made that brought us to the place where we are at this time. What would we change? What good choices did we make?  We are challenged to recognize that we do have free will and that the path we have taken reflects the choices, good or bad, we have made.

If we fail to notice that we have a choice, we can feel trapped, helpless.  The challenge at this time of year is to accept our accountability for shaping our lives.  We are challenged to learn from our choices and consequences, refining the process and embracing the wisdom that comes from that journey.  How are we using our free will? What kind of life are we creating?